Drain Inspection

Our plumbers implement modern CCTV cameras to thoroughly perform drain inspection, inspect your indoor and outdoor pipes; including storm water, kitchen, laundry and bathroom drains. Our CCTV drain camera technology is the absolute best in the market and can quickly tell us exactly where the problems are in your drainage system.

What is CCTV and how is it used for inspecting drains?
CCTV stands for closed-circuit television and is used in plumbing to find what is causing drainage systems to be blocked. The camera inspection equipment replaces old methods of guessing and excavating to find blockages. It consists of a waterproof camera and a cable which will be pushed down into plumbing lines.

The camera will send a live view of the inside of the pipe directly to the plumber. The live footage can also be recorded to allow the plumber to use it as a reference later on. CCTV is extremely useful and will be mainly used in the following services:

Blocked Drain – when there has been a blocked drain in a plumbing system CCTV will be used to quickly find where the clog is. Knowing what exactly is blocking the system will also be easily found with the camera.

Leak Detection – if there is a suspected leak in piping networks then CCTV is perfect for finding them. From concrete slab leaks to leaks in bathrooms, combining a range of techniques with CCTV, plumbers can easily find leaks.

What can CCTV inspections find?

As the CCTV is pushed down drainage systems a plumber can find a large range of different items. The most common items and objects which plumbers look for when using CCTV are:

  • Tree roots – the presence of tree roots inside plumbing can be extremely difficult to handle. The tree roots are finding water and will grow inside of the pipe system. When this happens tree roots can block and break pipes which CCTV hopes to find the roots early.
  • Solid Masses – wipes and other solid masses which are pushed down a drain might not dissolve. When this happens a blocked drain is more likely to occur and CCTV will help find where these items are.
  • Food scraps, oils and grease – CCTV can be used in kitchen sinks where food scraps, oils and greases can build up.
  • Sewage build-up – CCTV sewer services are used when there has been a blockage or issue inside sewage pipes. A plumber will navigate the sewage and find out what is causing a blocked drain or another dilemma.
  • Collapsed or damaged pipes – if a pipe has collapsed or broken then CCTV is an efficient and cost effective way to locate these concerns.